The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday April 23, 2020 from 10am (closed session).
In accordance with the current restricted movement and lockdown measures, which could potentially be extended beyond April 15, 2020, Mercialys’ Board of Directors has decided to hold the General Meeting on April 23, 2020 as a closed session, without shareholders or their representatives attending in person, ensuring compliance with the terms of Article 4 of Decree 2020-321 of March 25, 2020 relating to the holding of General Meetings.
Shareholders are therefore expressly asked to not travel and to take part in this General Meeting by voting on the resolutions online or by post, using either the postal voting form or the Votaccess platform. They can also appoint the Chairman to represent them.
All the voting procedures are presented in the 2020 Meeting brochure, which is available in the preparatory documents for the General Meeting below, from page 45 onwards. Note that access to the Votaccess platform will be open from Wednesday April 8, 2020 (and not from Friday April 3, 2020 as initially planned) until 3pm on April 22, 2020.
Shareholders are also reminded that they can submit written questions to the Board of Directors prior to the General Meeting, under the regulatory conditions in force, as indicated on page 48 of the 2020 Meeting brochure. Considering the impact of the current health crisis on the postal services’ operations, it is recommended that shareholders should send their questions by email to the following address:
Mercialys will provide its shareholders with audio and video technical solutions enabling them to follow the General Meeting remotely. They will be able to follow the event (French only):
either by phone, by calling the following number and using the password “Mercialys AG”:
France: +33 (0)1 70 37 71 66
or online, by clicking on the following link: Mercialys webcast
Note that these channels will only make it possible to listen to the event and no questions will be able to be submitted using them.
The presentation of the Company’s activity for the year ended December 31, 2019 by Mr. Éric Le Gentil, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Vincent Ravat, Chief Executive Officer, and Ms. Élizabeth Blaise, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, will be made available to shareholders in the preparatory documents below on the morning of April 23, 2020.
This presentation will be followed by the voting results for the resolutions submitted for approval at the General Meeting, based on the online and postal voting forms and the forms to appoint the Chairman as proxy received by BNP Paribas Securities Services within the legal timeframes applicable. Votes of shareholders who have requested admission cards but are absent will be taken into account as votes against the proposed resolutions submitted at the General Meeting in order to avoid any possible contestation.
We invite you to regularly consult this section, where all further information concerning the 2020 General Meeting will be made available as quickly as possible. If you require any further information, you can also contact Mercialys’ Financial Communications Department on +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39.
2019 Universal Registration Document
2020 Notice of Meeting Brochure
Proxy and mail voting application form
Statutory auditors’ fees - pages 384 and 385 of the Universal Registration Document
Share buyback program - pages 317 and 318 of the Universal Registration Document
Number of outstanding shares and voting rights as of March 18th, 2020
Presentation, Annual General Meeting, April 23, 2020 (French only)
Answers to the written questions submitted to the Board of Directors
Meeting report and votes, Annual General Meeting, April 23, 2020