The Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee has at least 3 members - the majority of whom are independent.
The Committee meets at least twice a year, meetings being called by the Chairman, who may organize any additional meetings as circumstances require.
The Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee examines candidates for Senior Management positions and directorships. It prepares decisions on the compensation paid to Senior Management, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in the event of the separation of the roles of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, and the distribution of compensation awarded to directors and Committee members. It also examines the proposed share subscription or purchase option and bonus share plans.
It examines the composition of the Board of Directors. It implements and organizes the assessment of the operation of the Board of Directors. It ensures the respect and proper application of the principles of corporate governance and rules of ethics.
The Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee is currently made up of 5 members, appointed for the duration of their term of office as director, 60% of whom are independent members.
Download Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee charter
* Independent director
Dominique Dudan*
Chairwoman of the Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee - Company Director
Victoire Boissier*
Deputy Chief Executive Officer-Group Finance of Grandir/Les petits Chaperons Rouges
Pascale Roque*
Chief Executive Officer Hertz France
Elisabeth Cunin
Chairwoman of the Kiabi group
Eric Le Gentil
Chairman of the Board of Directors