The Company’s Board of Directors proposed at the General Meeting on April 25, 2024 a dividend of Euro 0.99 per share for 2023, representing 85% of the Net recurrent earnings (NRE) for the year, offering a yield of 5.8% on the NDV of Euro 17.10 per share at end-2023 and 9.9% on the year’s closing price.
This dividend is based on the distribution requirement with the SIIC tax status concerning exempt profits from:
- property rental or sub-letting operations (including dividends paid by the subsidiaries subject to the SIIC system), i.e. Euro 0.86 per share;
- the distribution of exempt income recorded on the Company’s balance sheet for Euro 0.13 per share.
The ex-dividend date is April 29, 2024, and the payment of the dividend is May 2, 2024.