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Stakeholder engagement

Mercialys engages in regular dialogue with all of its stakeholders: its retailers, its center visitors, its suppliers and providers, its local government and non-profit partners, as well as the financial community and professional bodies. This dialogue is an opportunity to implement a process of continuous improvement and innovation.


This dynamic approach enables Mercialys to incorporate their expectations into its strategic reviews in terms of economic, social, societal, environmental and governance stakes, with a focus on creating lasting and shared value.

Materiality matrix

In 2020, Mercialys conducted an extensive consultation with its stakeholders to update its materiality matrix drawn up in 2015. Employees, providers, regional authorities, non-profits, retailers, center customers and other stakeholders were called on to assess the importance of 33 CSR stakes, identified through a sector analysis in particular. More than 900 of them responded to this invitation, which highlights the quality of the dialogue that Mercialys has established with its partners over many years.


Thanks to this work, the following materiality matrix was drawn up, presenting 1/ the importance of each stake for the Company’s employees on the horizontal axis and 2/ for its external stakeholders on the vertical axis.  All of these stakeholders were also invited to assess Mercialys’ maturity in terms of taking these stakes into account. This matrix makes it possible to identify Mercialys’ material stakes and was used to build its strategy for 2020-2030. 


10 strategic stakes:

  • Energy and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Waste management
  • Development of multifunctional shopping centers
  • New selection of responsible retailers or products
  • New services offered through collaboration with retailers
  • Diversity and anti-discrimination
  • Business ethics
  • Relations with retailers
  • Employee engagement
  • Wellbeing and quality of life at work


 Important stakes:

  • Working conditions
  • Social dialogue
  • Support for local economic development and job creation
  • Responsible transport and mobility
  • Consultation and collaboration with local and national stakeholders and public institutions
  • Talent management and attraction
  • Sustainable regional development
  • Asset adaptation and resilience to climate change
  • Simpler, more welcoming and attractive visitor journeys
  • Visitor and retailer health, safety and security
  • Accessibility for people with impaired mobility
  • Promotion of new more responsible business models
  • Personalization and digitalization of offering and services